Friday 23 August 2013

Afternoon Tea Review - Laduree

Hello lovely people,

It's been quite a while since I've posted (how dare I!) and i've missed using the keyboard for fun and not just for inputting details into a spreadsheet like a robot!

Yay for odd socks!!

Spinning like a microwave plate

Ahem, moving on...

So last month my sister and I treated ourselves to an afternoon in Laduree in Covent Garden . I'm sure many of you have heard of LadurĂ©e but for those who haven't let me give you a run through: it's French, they're famous for their delicious Macarons and their tea room is so beautiful it makes me want to cry.

The decor is in the style of 17th Century Paris, think Marie Antoinette. 

We went in the early evening and Covent Garden in the Summer heat was buzzing with people and crowds being amused by street performers. You can choose to sit on the balcony and spectate all this or sit inside with the french doors open and catch a giggle or two from the courtyard. 

So I had an orange tea and a strawberry tart. Those of you who have read my last  post know about my love of strawberries tarts. Malheuresment (unfortunately in French haha) this one wasn't the best but i did happen to um borrow a mouthful of my sister's which was raspberry something or other (pardon my disgusting ability to remember) which was lovely. The perfect blend of cream and patisserie and fruit, pure nom! 

On leaving we also bought a dozen macarons of which my favourite was the Salted Caramel macaron. Good lord it tastes beautific! I may or may not of eaten half of these all by myself...

The restaurant has such a beautiful look and the staff are very friendly. We felt cared for without being pestered and they really did take a personal interest in us. I even got to use my French (ah oui oui, le baguette). 

Here are my ratings of the whole thing out of 10:

Atmosphere: 10/10 - my idea of a PERFECT team room. 

Drinks: 8/10 my tea was delicious and not like any other herbal tea I've had before. 

Food: 8/10 the ACTUAL loveliness of the macarons!! The patisserie's lovely and nommy too!

Price(£££ = v. expensive): £££ it's not disgustingly pricey but definitely a treat for every now and then!!

Overall Review: a must-go. Even if you just buy some macarons to go you must experience this lovely tea room and restaurant. I can't wait to go again and try the savouries this time!!

Until next time...

The VG

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